
Friday, 14 June 2024

This update's main focus is streets.


  • Added 2 Silly Street Blocks.
  • Added the street Cog "Flunky" to the game as an enemy.
  • Added suit pathing on Punchline Place.


  • The tunnel is now textured.
  • The tunnel has been sized to fit the old size properly.
  • The safezone buildings have been adjusted to fit the new tunnel size.
  • Hitting OK on the disconnected dialog should now close your game.
  • Dialogs have been updated with a new texture.
  • Scoreboards in minigames have been updated with a frame that matches the TTO colors more closely.
  • Text added to the tunnel signs.
  • Punchline Place adjusted to better match original, but not perfect.

Known Bugs/Issues

  • Clothing loads in after the toon has loaded in.
  • Getting out of bounds will cause you to be stuck falling forever.
  • Clothing Shop loads slowly.
  • Cogs that have "escaped" Cog Thief can still be hit by pies.
  • Cog hitbox in Cog Thief does not feel accurate.


  • Fix a bug causing a softlock in the Clothing Shop.
  • Restored Clothing Shop NPC Name and Title.


  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't equip clothing at the clothing shop.


  • Fix an issue causing the client to be unable to connect to the server.